Saturday, May 11, 2013

Traditional Teaching vs Modern Teaching Methods

Without doubt,
        They way we were learning and are learning have a big gap between when compared to the past. I think that this gap is unquestionable. In the past, to which I also witnessed, our learning practice was depend on "chalk and talk". The teacher would come to class and talk, students would listen for 45 or 50 minutes and the lesson would finish after. There was just theoretical instruction. What's worse, the students would not move or contact with each other during these lessons.
        However, today, despite some exceptions, the ways of teaching and learning have changes to a great degree.   Instead of chalk, teachers are carrying tablets, computers and projector clickers now. It's quite unusual to come across a class without technological visual and audial assistants, which play a great role in recent teaching and learning practices. These assistants are computers, projectors, speakers and especially smart boards. I think that we can describe smart boards as threshold of technology in education and training which is getting more usual in classrooms.
        I can say that many of our teachers have changed their way of teaching. Because I think that they are also aware of the changing learning environment and think that traditional teaching methods have not only little effect, but it can really be boring for students as well because of inactiveness and passivity of learners. I also think that educators are aware of the fact that it is very difficult to keep up with the other developed countries with the traditional chalk methods, but modern, technology-supported teaching is a necessity.   Because of all these reasons, I think that educators and teachers have changed their way and method of teaching.
        Inevitably, there are still teachers confined themselves to the traditional teaching methods. Unfortunately, I myself witnessed such teachers even in my university. My observation and reflection for such lessons is the fact that they are really motionless and boring compared to the ones address to you visually, auditory in which and you are active. I think that the main reason why some of our teachers still keep on using these methods is because they have either little or no knowledge of using technology and are not good enough to use technology to support their teachings.
Traditional "chalk and Talk" Method
Modern Instruction Method

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