Thursday, May 9, 2013

Getting Started - Brief Introduction

        This is Erkan Akbulut. I'm 21 years old and I'm from Batman, which is a city located in the southeast part of Turkey. I study English Language Teaching (ELT) in the Faculty of Education in Akdeniz University in Antalya, the first place comes to minds when talking about tourism. I was living in Batman with my big family before starting university in a different city and I have been living in Antalya with my brother studying the same department for 3 years now.
        My department is mainly focused on secondary school and is basically means teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). Although it's been 3 years I have been studying this department in University, I'm in the second grade as I took preparation class in the very beginning of my education in the university which means that I need to study my bachelor degree for 5 years.
        If you ask why I'm studying my current department, I will probably say that because I'm not bad in learning languages and I was interested in foreign languages even in my childhood. I don't think that I have made wrong decision as I'm quite happy my current situation. Moreover, I never get bored when I'm studying or dealing with languages, especially English. Another foreign language I want to learn most is undoubtedly German.
        As for my hobbies, the activities I like to do in my spare times are doing bike trips, travelling and, without doubt, photographing. I generally spend my weekends either have bike trips with my friends or jogging to find new places to practise photography. On the other side, cooking is something that I'm not good at and I don't like to do. In my apartment with my friends, I usually try to make up for this by washing the dishes in which I'm better. Finally, another thing that I like to do is following what is going on in the world of technology and spend my times dealing with computers and their softwares.

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