Sunday, June 16, 2013

Reflection on Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century

I must first say that this course is the first kind of this method and I'm pretty novel in it. I had some computer based courses, but it was not completely the same. I believe that I have learned  valuable matters in this course, which I was not sure about in the beginning. First of all, I got to know that we can search, work on and learn on a subject matter on our own without seeing an instructor and I think that this key point. Honestly, I had heard about this kind of course, but I had never experienced such a course.
If you ask me whether am I more knowledgeable or not, I would probably say that "Yes, I'm" because I think that I know how it works, which softwares or tools can be used and how to handle the subject matters.
as for What I have got from this course is that I have learned the subjects that we searched, shared, disscussed about as they were mostly self-searching based and, as the characteristic of the course, it was my responsibility to learn these significant subjects.
Lastly, Although I didn't have chance to have a video meeting with her, which I was looking forward to, I want to thank our facilitator for her invaluable support.

Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Description of My E-Portfolio Concept, Digital Presentation of Skills and Competencies

When I had my first glance at the subject called "E-Portfolio", the first question came to my mind was the reason of its importance and popularity. Then, after some research about this subject, I realized the important point regarding e-Portfolios as UK's Experts on digital technology for education and research also point out as following;

"There has been increasing recent interest in the potential of e-learning tools and technologies to support more learner centred and personalised forms of learning, prompted in part by national strategies for e-learning and initiatives in favour of lifelong learning and personalised learning. These have all prompted interest in the benefits that e-portfolios may bring to personal development planning (PDP) and to 21st century models of learning, teaching and assessment."
Regarding my researches and popularity of e-portfolio in education and business life, it seems that e-portfolio is going to getting the attention of more people and be more popular in the future.

As for my e-portfolio for my home university, during my researches, I really got impressed by its importance in the modern life and thought about a more general E-portfolio (with some parts presented) about my studies in Linz. As design and plan of the website, I would either design a html website or use some softwares to create my e-portfolio environment. When making my research about e-portfolios and getting more about them, I, in fact, got an idea of designing my e-portfolio and a drew a scheme of it on a piece of paper, as showed below;

The Scheme of my E-portfolio
As can be seen from the scheme, I would design a website interface which is similar to regular websites and after having a good design and necessary tabs on my homepage, I would put a list of categories which elaborate on Austria, Ph-oöe, and especially my skills and competencies (with their sub-categories presented) such as;
  • Personal Competencies
  • Educational and Pedagogical Competencies
  • Social and Ethical Competenices
  • Cultural Competencies
I would support each of my category with necessary visual and audial aids such as photos and videos to make it more credible and dependable and I think these features are what make E-portfolio unique. To make my E-portfolio even more reliable, I would add another category called "Documents", through which the documents related with my studies and works can be monitored and observed in a concrete way. Apart from that, as a last category, I would add "Downloads" to give the observer the chance of getting the written form of my E-portfolio which, at the same time, is my CV.
Having considered all these facts, I think that one of the things that I will do for my future education and career would be having a E-portfolio.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Open Learning - Ups and Downs

I don't think that I have had the experience Open Learning as it seems a bit unlikely for the time being because of the fact that most of the lessons in Turkey are teacher-directed. I may have had some minor lessons which were quite flexible and technology-involved, but I'm not sure whether these are in the category of Open Learning.
However, if I had such experiences, I think that they would be great in many senses. First of all, Learners decide what, when and how learning will take place based on their needs and question. Secondly, because this process is technology involved, learners would construct, evaluate and revise their studies and understanding using technology. Another important point is Open Learning provides a wide range of sources of materials and tools, through which learners can extent and enhance their learning and cognitive capabilities.
Lastly, thanks to Web 2.0 tools, the interaction of users can effectively help learners exchange ideas, contribute and get guidance from their peers which is one of the most important principle of social view of learning.
Despite all these, Open Learning may not be favorable in some senses. Because it is the learners who decide what, when and where to learn, I think that the quality of its practice will be mainly depend on learner's choice. Another aspect that because the teacher and students don't see each other and some students like learning when teacher is present, this situation may be disadvantage for such learners, which might also be less motivational for these learners. Lastly, if students are not involved in some video-meetings and all students don't participate during Open Learning process, they may be disadvantageous in developing their oral/speaking and social interaction skills .

My customized PLE

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century as PLE

To my mind, the lesson Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century that we are studying online recently is one of the best example of Personal Learning Environment (PLE from now on) judging from my experiences. Actually, there are many reasons why it is an example of PLE.
One of the very first one is the fact that we have the control of our learning and we can manage our learning. That is, I can look for the topics, which are getting more and more each day, that I'm interested in the website and blogs and pick the one I like and in this way direct my learning process.
Another important point that makes our recent learning environment a real PLE is that our website is not processing on it's own, but integrated with some other Web 2.0 technologies like blogs and forums. In this way, we can express and share our thoughts and findings with our colleagues while they also can do the same thing and we can mix our ideas and find the exact information we are looking for. In fact, with the beginning of using the forum, we have a more flexible and convenient Web 2.0 tool and it has became much easier to create a discussion environment to exchange ideas and collaborate.
As well as these, when using, sharing and trying to get the information, learning becomes more learner centered and we create and control our own knowledge that we need and we are interested in, which is the the main characteristic feature in the process of PLE phenomenon.
Lastly, thanks to Web 2.0, which also consists our website, blogs and forum, we can add, modify, change, share, collaborate, upload, download and post our ideas and impressions about a topic. In simple words, we create and form what we learn and this is what makes PLE which is not a learning system, but a learning environment.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Learning Contract

Topic: German Language

Purpose: learning the basics of that language, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and voicing, and listening and speaking.

  • Grammar: I need a website that either presents information about the subject or I can watch a video which is also about content.
  • Vocabulary: I need a website that supply me the vocabulary of that language through many interactive ways like puzzles, games, etc. instead of just listing out the words.
  • Pronunciation: I need another interactive website that let me hear the pronunciation of the word I want to learn (sometimes by just clicking on the word) and enable me to test the way I voice the words after recording my pronunciation and checking.
  • Listening: A website that provides me with listening activities through mp3s and podcasts according to my level is the what I need for this phase.
  • Speaking: I need a interactive speaking website that presents the opportunity to communicate with native speakers via either audial or audial and visual conversations to enhance speaking skills.
       I would try to get enough information either by reading information or watching the interactive lessons on the websites like YouTube and practice my knowledge by using some tests and exercises presented on websites. I would try to learn vocabulary through different web-based activities which muck like doing on a paper, but most times more enjoyable than paper because of doing with a different tool. As for Pronunciation, I'd access to some websites either present me a text and I hear the pronunciation when I click on the word I wonder about or some other websites that instruct us first and check our pronunciation and voicing by checking whether it is similar or not. Listening is the lucky skill because there a lot of websites through which I would listen the texts and issues that I want regarding my level and do some exercise about it when listening. Lastly, there are some speaking clubs and friend finding websites that you can not only find the person who talk the language you are learning, but you can talk and see the person through the website  in a interactive way to practice your speaking as well. These are all the options that I can access and use to learn not German language, but any language.

Outcome Evaluation:
As I pointed out above, through exercises, games, puzzles, quizzes presented online, I can check and evaluate if and how much I have learned and on which points I should work more. Even it is not as much as Grammar and .vocabulary, this is the case also for skills as well. I can check my pronunciation and listening skills by listening directly from website for many times, moreover, in these websites, I can also record my sound and check the accuracy of my pronunciation in a further step. Because speaking is a skill that can be evaluated after a long-term process, I can ask for feedback from the people I'm having conversation with after some experience. Taking all these conditions into consideration, I think that I will be able to check the extend of my task I have completed and I will be able to judge the success and failure that I have arranged on my own and hundred percent I'm responsible for.